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Enterprize: Melbourne's Tall Ship

When I am not sailing on the Sea of Thieves, I may be found working as a volunteer crew member of the Tall Ship Enterprize, shown here.

Enterprize is a two masted, top-sail schooner, roughly the size of a brigantine found in Sea of Thieves. She was built in the 1990s as a replica of the original Enterprize, the ship that brought the first white settlers, from Tasmania, to found the permanent settlement that eventually became the city of Melbourne. The nine settlers disembarked on 30 August 1835.

"Enty", as we call her, is crewed by volunteers and conducts short one-hour sails, and longer voyages to give the people of Melbourne, and visitors, a taste of what it was like to sail on a 19th century Tall Ship. Above decks, she is traditionally rigged with flax sails and hemp rope, and everything is oiled or tarred to protect it. Below decks, although not luxurious, our Enterprize is more far modern than the original, with bunks, heads (toilets), a modern galley, a diesel engine, and electricity.

As a member of the crew, I work as a deckhand, handling the lines and the sails, and sometimes the helm. Throughout the year, but especially during winter lay-up, we also help to maintain, clean, and refit the ship. In the second picture, I can be seen working at the end of the course yard, in the middle of the frame.

If you ever find yourself in Melbourne, come sail with us!



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